Author name: Neeraj Ramnani


What are LSI keywords

LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords are keywords which are semantically linked to a main keyword. In simpler words, they are keywords similar or related to the main keyword. Search engines use latent semantic indexing to analyse other words that people are frequently using around a topic. They’re highly correlated. An example could be “hunger” and “thirst”, or “dating” and “relationships”. Are LSI keywords same as synonyms of the main keyword? In some cases, the LSI keyword could simply be a synonym. However, it is not essential that it be a synonym of the main keyword. For example, ‘thirst’ is not a synonym of ‘hunger’ but they are related and often may appear together in webpages around the world. How do search engines use LSI? Search engines (especially Google) use LSI to decide the quality of the content on a page, by checking for words that ideally should appear nearby a given search keyword. It also helps them decide the relevance. For example, if I search for “best pizza”, search engines will look for words like “pizza restaurant”, “order pizza” (commonly found along with the words “best pizza” on webpages). This way, if a page has “best pizza” only as a passing reference, and doesn’t contain these related keywords, it is unlikely to get picked up by Google as the top recommendation on page one. What is LSA? LSA stands for latent semantic analysis. LSA is the system used to determine LSI keywords by search engines. By taking a huge index of billions of web pages, the search engines learn which words are correlated, and which concepts relate to one another. For example, using LSA, a search engine like Google could recognize that going to the beach is related to sun-tanning, bikini wear, scuba-diving or beach sports. This way it can analyse search queries better and give more accurate results by looking at a range of keywords on the pages instead of just the search term. What are LSI keywords’ benefits? Why is it important? LSI keywords are becoming increasingly important as a way to tell search engines about what our page is about. Also, people searching for related keywords other than our main keyword are also more likely to stumble on our page. How do I find my LSI keywords? There are many tools available online for finding LSI keywords for any given main keyword. You can also look at the “searches related to” section at the bottom of the google SERP (search engine results page) to find good LSI keyword ideas for your content or blog. The below video has other ways you can brainstorm for LSI keywords before you write your content: Where to use LSI Keywords? Your main heading will typically be your main keyword, but you can use LSI keywords in sub-headings, as link anchor text in some of your back-links or external/internal links, throughout the page’s content (of course!), in alt names, image file names etc. Any other considerations before using these keywords? Yes. Google’s algorithms have gotten incredibly smart because of the vast volumes of data and analytics used by that company. You won’t be able to trick it easily. It’s best to use LSI keywords in a natural, organic way rather than stuffing them artificially. Instead of repeating your main keyword over and over again in your content, try to use LSI keywords here and there. A final word Instead of using just the main target keyword, start to think of articles as corresponding to clusters of keywords which are closely-related. In the usual elements of the page when you’re doing SEO (such as headlines, body, alt-text etc.) use some of these related keywords instead of repeating the main keyword endlessly. Don’t forget to use the main keyword as well as LSI keywords in only a natural, organic way without trying to stuff them needlessly. It’s incredibly easy to use LSI keywords for SEO. Many of it may already be done by you without even realizing it. Understanding this search engine function can help you improve and think of this more strategically. About the Author:Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing.He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.

Consumer Behaviour

The BJ Fogg Behaviour Model for Digital Marketing

The Behaviour Model designed by Dr. BJ Fogg has been quite influential in determining when a behavior occurs. In digital marketing, the simple model has three unique advantages: It is simple. Therefore, it is easy to explain and implement. It is universal. It can be used for any industry’s digital marketing, since all industries have the human element in common. It is quite comprehensive, in that with this model alone you get more than 80% of your behavioural understanding for digital marketing right. What exactly is the Fogg Model of Behaviour? The model shows that there are three elements that must meet for a behavior to occur: Motivation: the individual must be motivated to perform the behavior Ability: the individual must have the ability to perform the behavior Trigger: there’s a trigger- internal or external- which prompts the behavior. For example, a person with a small income may have the motivation to buy the most expensive car in the market, but may not have the ability (financially) to do so. In that case, the behavior won’t happen even if they pass a car shop displaying that car. On the other hand, a person may have the ability to buy a horse ranch, but may not have any interest in horses (motivation) even if they see an online ad for one in their city. In this case too, the behavior will not occur. Let’s take a third example. Someone may be keen to read a particular book (motivation), have the resources to read it and to buy it (ability), and sees that book in a shop at a discount (trigger). In this case, the behavior is likely to occur. What this shows is that only when the motivation is high enough and the ability (ease of doing something) required low enough for a person will they act. In some cases, a lot of motivation may compensate for low ability or ease of doing something. (For example, someone motivated to lose weight before a wedding may go to the gym even if it is very expensive for them or very far from their home.) So, how can digital marketers make use of this simple model? Simply put, people respond to your campaigns or advertisements in this same way. Take these two examples: Example 1: People visit your website but do not subscribe to the newsletter. In this case the ability or ease with which they can subscribe is very low, but their motivation is even lower. You can increase the motivation by offering a 20% discount code or a free e-book for signup. It is also possible that they simply didn’t notice the signup box on your website. In this case, there was no trigger to cause action. You may add a popup box to trigger the behavior, if signups are important for your business. Example 2: People are looking for a complex B2B solution which you offer. They click on a Google Ad you’re running but do not continue the process. This may be because they perceive the process to be very complicated, or very expensive (missing ability). You can make this easier by stating things like “Our prices are best in the market. It only takes ten minutes to get started with our free expert consultation.” This may increase the chances of them converting as a lead. In the first example, the ability required was low but the motivation was even lower. You can tip the scale by incentivizing the behavior. In the second example, the motivation to find a solution was high but the perceived ability required was also high. You can make the process easier, use less intimidating words, and use phrases like “step by step guidance” or whatever else may apply to your case to ease the person on the other end. In both cases, a clear, prominent trigger (usually referred to as “Call to Action” in digital marketing) is required. A simple step by step method in which you can use the Fogg Model of Behaviour for any digital campaign is as follows: First, identify whether your prospects are motivated or not to take the action you want them to take. (Such as subscribing, signing up for an offer, making a purchase etc.) If they’re not motivated, find a way to make the offer more enticing for them to motivate them. Next, identify whether the action you’re asking for is easy for them or complicated and intimidating, or perceived so. It may be that they think the decision will cost them too much, or the risk is too much, or the complexity of it makes them procrastinate their decision. If this is the case, make the process easier. Don’t use industry jargons, have a conversational tone in your website, social media or videos, and showcase how the process is easy and your guidance is always available. Finally, don’t  forget that the behavior will not happen without a trigger. Use a clear CTA (Call to Action) on every webpage or even social media post. If there’s a button the user needs to click, such as “add to cart” or “Submit”, make it prominent, big, and use a colour that contrasts the page background. Such simple steps make the trigger more prominent and increase the chance of the desired action being taken. About the Author:Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing.He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, SEO

How Digital Marketing will change in 2020

Before we get into what’s about to change in Digital Marketing in 2020, it’s important to assert that the most important things do not change. Good copywriting will always be central to good digital marketing. Understanding your customer deeply is the first step for any effective campaign.‌ Improving key metrics’ like cost per lead, conversion rate, and retention will still remain critical. Google and Facebook will still remain the biggest advertising channels for digital marketers. And good ole’ SEO and email marketing will still thrive. So what’s new for Digital Marketing in 2020?‌ 1)‌ AI‌ will become more relevant The use of services like Alexa, Siri and Google Asssistant continue to rise.‌ With more advancements in these technologies, it will become important for digital marketers to understand the nuances of reaching the customer through these AI robots instead of directly. One obvious impact of this on Digital Marketing in 2020 is that search results get more personalized. If I am into online education, and keep making searches in that regard, searching “Salman Khan” might lead me to Khan Academy. On the other hand, if I’m a Bollywood movie buff, I‌ might find more results for the Bollywood mega-star Salman Khan. While Google and other companies have made good advances in this regard, it is likely that in the next year they’ll take it to the next level. 2)‌ A trend against social media Until recently, there was nothing bad perceived by mainstream society in social media. It was a way to connect with friends, to find expression for one’s thoughts, experiences and opinions, and a way to collaborate to solve problems or share meaningful conversations. However, in the last few years, a growing percentage of the population seems to recognize the ill-effects of social media. Smartphones, particularly with the social apps on them, have become an addiction for many of us. With the constant stream of notifications, comments, likes, hearts and retweets, many people feel tired. Worst of all, they feel they’re missing out on the real reason they signed up for these services- authentic social interaction. With this trend, many new books (such as Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport)‌ have started advising people on how to have a better, more sane relationship with their smartphone and social media apps. If this trend continues to gain momentum, we may see a dip in the number of hours of social media usage, even among millennials. 3)‌ Video is big To be fair, this isn’t really new for 2020. But there’s no doubt that anyone who’s not already jumped on the video bandwagon that started somewhere around 2012, is missing on huge opportunities to engage with their customers and prospects. Video is replacing how we tell stories on our websites, on social media ads, on landing pages and even on messaging apps like WhatsApp. A‌ good video team, agency, or freelancer may become necessary for almost every company in the near future. 4)‌‌ Voice based search Voice based search takes over a bigger and bigger pie of total searches happening online. It is important to notice the subtle differences this introduces. For example, a conversational tone now has even more advantages to a cold, corporate tone on your website. Answering questions that users might be frequently voicing on their mobile phones, instead of just selling the products, becomes an even better source of traffic. And longer phrases (long-tailed keywords) are preferred even more to short one or two word search terms. 5)‌ Algorithms make targeting easier Social Media companies such as Facebook offer what’s called a “lookalike audience”. This is one of the easier ways to get your targeting right. Let’s say you have 250 customers who bought a particular product on your website. If you upload the list of email IDs or phone numbers of these 250, Facebook’s algorithms can target hundreds of thousands of people who are quite similar in profile and behaviour to your list. This kind of targeting allows digital marketers to focus primarily on design and copy, while letting smarter algorithms determine the appropriate audience. As machine learning and AI make advances, these algorithms continue to get smarter. This means that, for a digitally aware marketer, cost of advertising to irrelevant audiences keeps reducing. Read our Digital Marketing in the Financial Industry.

Google Ads, Uncategorized

Google’s New Responsive Search Ads: All you need to know

Last year when Google announced the Responsive Search Ads, many considered it a game-changer. According to many reports, these ads are improving CTR (clickthrough rate) of Google ad campaigns by 5-15%. So what exactly is so great about these responsive search ads? Here are four things you need to know about them: #1 Responsive search ads use up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions With responsive search ads, you can write up to 15 different headlines and up to 4 different descriptions. Google will then automatically test different combinations of these headlines and descriptions and run the ones that perform best. Over time, the algorithm will learn to show the best message depending on the users past behaviour, the keyword they’ve searched for, their device etc. The length of the individual headline and description remains the same, but Google will pick the two or three headlines from the ones you’ve submitted. #2 You can pin your “first headline” Say you’re selling T-shirts online. You may want the first headline of your Google ad to show “Buy T-shirts online” or perhaps you use keyword insertion tool in Google ads. In such cases, you can pin the first headline within the responsive ads. If you pin more than one ad for the first headline, Google will pick any of the available options. You can also pin the second or third headline, if required. Note that pinning excessively will reduce the options you give Google to learn based on its algorithms, so don’t overuse this option! #3 Use responsive search ads with your regular ads If you’re running expanded text ads in an ad group, you may not want to pause the existing ads if they’re performing well already. But you could always test responsive search ads along with the existing ads! What’s cool is, Google automatically picks up the existing headlines in an ad group when you create a new responsive search ad, so it’s easy to pick out your favourites. #4 How to make the most of responsive search ads Here’s a quick check-list if you’re setting up responsive search ads for the first time: Make sure you’re using at least two regular expanded text ads in the same ad group in which you create a responsive search ad. Do not make more than one responsive search ad per campaign. Highlight something unique in each of the headlines in your responsive search ads. For example, if you are selling T-shirts online, you do not want a list of headlines like this: Buy T-Shirts Online Online T-shirt Store Online T-shirts buy Buy Online T-shirts Great T-shirts Online             …. And so on. You get the idea. Instead, a better way of doing it would be Buy T-shirts Online  (pin this one as headline one) {Keyword Insertion:  Buy T-shirts Online} (pin this one at headline one too) COD available All new designs Free Shipping Biggest Summer Deals Top Brands, Best Prices Fashion is a click away …And so on For most ads, it may be important to pin a few options for headline 1. But apart from that, pin sparingly. Write headlines related to your keywords in the ad group. For example, if “buy t-shirts Cash on Delivery” is a keyword you’re targeting, you should include “COD available” or “Cash On Delivery” as one of the headlines. About the Author:Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing.He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.


5 Digital Marketing Tips For 2019

Tip #1 Use effective (and free) digital marketing tools Very few people bother to use the simple hacks that can make your digital life easier. For example, if you’re on multiple social media channels, you can post on all of them from one place. You can also schedule posts for weeks or months in advance. Simply use a free service like HootSuite (It is free up to 3 channels and 30 scheduled posts.) Again, if you want to create awesome social media graphics, use free tools like Canva. If you want to do competitor research, use something like SimilarWeb. For YouTube, install VidIQ. For selecting hashtags, use the hashtag generator at all-hashtag. For easy video creation, use lumen5. These tools are free and very easy to use. Here’s a full list of 41 digital marketing tools. Most of them are free. Tip #2 Read the “classic” books I recently wrote about 10 must-read digital marketing books for 2019.  If you take a look at that list, you’ll find that many of the books are relatively old. Digital marketing trends and platforms transform quite quickly, but it is important to get a basic grasp of the core concepts so that you have your feet planted firmly on the ground. You can then stay updated about relevant trends for your industry, but reading the “classic” foundational stuff is the most important. It will help you see the ‘big picture’ and not get carried away and tossed around by ‘what’s hot right now’. Tip #3 Get good at the basics of copywriting Copywriting is one of the most nuanced and yet game-changing skills you can learn for your business. Whether it is an ad headline, a blog piece, text over a social media graphic, or even an email subject line; sound copywriting principles will go a long way in helping you succeed in the digital jungle. A simple rule of thumb is to not make it too complicated. You do not have to be a poet to write good copy. Simple beats elegant in most digital marketing scenarios. For the most important copy (such as headlines), use these checks: make sure your product is easy to understand in under a second (vague, curiosity generating headlines underperform compared to simple and clear-cut headlines) try to use powerful words at the beginning, such as ‘introducing’, ‘announcing’, ‘all-new’ generate curiosity, but never at the cost of point (1). (Example of good curiosity: Learn how to triple your social media followers with these 3 tips. Example of bad curiosity: This will change your business forever.) Tip #4 Get the best information easily A great way to stay in touch with recent trends is to select 4-5 blogs of experts that you like (and who speak about your industry). You can also tweak your Reddit account to only follow subreddits like SEO, digitalmarketing, facebookads etc. That way when you open your Reddit, you’ll have interesting conversations and questions that will teach or stimulate you. Another way to use Reddit effectively is to go to these relevant subreddits, and then filter by “Top Posts” for “All-time”. You will typically find the most insightful posts and discussions from that subreddit in the first 20 posts. Tip #5 Only market to one person You heard that right. Of course, I’m talking about customer persona (aka customer avatar). Once you have written down a clear, realistic document about who your average prospect is, you need to do your entire marketing as if you’re speaking only to that one person. The more specific you get in writing down your persona, the more chances you will have of being able to speak to your target audience. This is a powerful idea and yet not many get it right. Use it! Here are great tips and examples on generating a customer persona. For more tips, do check out our free eBook on 12 Rules of Digital Marketing. About the Author:Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing.He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.

How to design an inbound marketing funnel

How to Design an Inbound Marketing Funnel

Nobody likes being sold to. Digital marketers have understood this quite well over the last 10 years. Today’s buyers want to be consulted, advised and occasionally coached. “Don’t sell, help.” Because of this, the process of sales has transformed into what can only be called the “inbound revolution”. Companies of all scales and sizes and in all sorts of industries have successfully implemented this “stop selling, start helping” approach to increase their businesses. The principles on which this phenomenon is based are rock-solid. Inbound marketing is only going from strength to strength.   If you’re a marketing professional or entrepreneur wondering how you could implement inbound marketing for your business, your search ends here. This post will help you figure out how you can create an inbound marketing funnel for your business. A good inbound marketing funnel not only generates top-line revenue but also builds your brand and reputation in the marketplace. There are at least three stages to any inbound marketing funnel: Stage one of your funnel: Getting Leads The first stage has a single purpose: gathering leads for your business. To get found by the right people, you need to create educational content that speaks to your prospects and resolves their queries. You can use social media following, social media ads and email marketing to engage with your prospects at this stage. Some ways by which brands educate their prospects are through e-books, webinars, short courses, blogs, YouTube videos etc. All this content has one primary aim – to bring you leads. At the same time, this type of content positions you as a specialist who can answer your prospects’ questions related to your product. While good inbound marketing can generate a huge number of leads, most of the leads may not be qualified to actually do business with you. However, the long-term benefit of creating good inbound marketing content almost always exceeds the cost in time and money required for it. Here are some great examples of the first-stage interactions some brands are driving: An eBook: A blog: An infographic: A free course or webinar: Stage two of your funnel: Building Trust by Giving Help The first stage also builds some trust by giving high quality content. The focus on the second stage is almost exclusively on building on this.  Brands can establish trust and authority with their prospects through email marketing, social media posts, webinars, newsletters and videos. In inbound marketing, you’re always trying to help your prospects at every stage of their buying journey. This is especially true at this second stage of interaction with your raw leads. Stage three of your funnel: Giving even more help (and in the process, closing) Even the third stage isn’t a typical hard sales close. At this stage your prospects are well-informed, researched, and ready-to-purchase. They know what you’re about, what you do, and they know your promises. At this stage the sales team may come in to ‘clinch the deal’, but here too the always-be-helping aspect of inbound marketing comes in. Awesome selling with inbound marketing funnels is about customizing your sales pitch to cater to unique needs of each prospective client, understanding their unique circumstances, and using the language and level of technicality that they will understand. Concluding thoughts: With these three stages clearly defined, companies can easily find out where in the sales funnel they’re weakest. Based on this information they can close any gaps they may have in their entire inbound marketing funnel design. Quantifying each level is fairly easy with standard metrics and analytics tools. About the Author: Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing. He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.


Top 10 must-read digital marketing books for 2019

Are you interested in finding out some must-read digital marketing books? Well I have been a digital marketer for nearly a decade now, and the thing with digital marketing that makes it quite unique is: 1) It changes so fast! (If a digital marketer went into a coma for five years and come back, he or she would have to start from scratch. This is partially true for many industries these days, but very little evolves as fast as the digital media world.) 2) It is (usually) learned from practice, from books and from online courses (in that order), instead of traditional graduation or post-graduation programs. (Again the reason for this largely is point 1) So I thought of sharing some must-read books for digital marketing for the year 2019. Most of them are likely to stay relevant for at least the next few years, and some of them keep publishing new editions, so if you’re reading this blog later, you may still find them useful. Here’s my Top 10 must read digital marketing books for 2019: 10) “Launch” by Jeff Walker: First on the list is a hugely popular book for launches. This book is ideal if you’re launching a new product, especially if it is a book or info-product. (Although frankly, the strategies in this book would work for over 90% industries.) Jeff Walker is a renowned digital marketer and publisher who sells high-end training programs that cost over 100 times the cost of this book (and which are still rated amazing), so there’s a lot of meat in this little book to understand the customer and start your digital marketing with the right perspective, i.e. by always putting the human side of things first instead of getting caught up in the tools and numbers. 09) “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk Social media is a terribly noisy place. Gary’s book helps see social media in a whole new light and giving a blueprint to social media strategies that really work. Definitely in the must-read digital marketing list. 08) “The Art of SEO” by Eric Enge and Stephan Spencer This is another fantastic book for digital marketers who want to leverage search engine optimization to grow their business. It can be a little bit lengthy, a little bit boring, but very effective. Just like search engine optimization. 07) “Tested Advertising Methods” by Caples This classic was written way before testing your advertising became so easy. Yet it’s clear insights and hundreds of examples make this one of the best books to learn copywriting. It’ll help you write better headlines, subject lines, URLs, Facebook ad copy and even landing page copy. Easily makes the cut for my must-read digital marketing books! 06) “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott A fantastic book for beginners, this one introduces the way the internet has changed the way people and brands communicate, and how you can cut through the clutter and have your voice in this digital space. Is filled with case studies too. 05) “DotCom Secrets” by Russell Brunson Easy explanations, relevant examples and a breezy pace make this popular book a part of this list. It has some very unique ideas for sales funnels for selling online products. Relevant for almost any online business. 04) “Youtility” by Jay Bear This one is a must-read if you’re running a small business, or planning to start a business. It is also one of the more “wholesome” business books out there, where genuine helpfulness and generosity are highlighted over scammy techniques and short-term steals. 03) “Complete B2B Online Marketing” by William Leake, Lauren Vaccarello and Maura Ginty The value of the book is obvious from the name. A fantastic book on how B2B businesses can leverage digital marketing in very practical ways to win more customers. Since B2B industries have always been (relatively) slow on the digital bandwagon, it’s a fantastic way to leapfrog over competitors. 02) “Made to Stick” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath Why do some ideas thrive and others die? How do you improve the chances of worthy ideas surviving? This book explores this with a surprisingly funny book with a Freakonomics-feel. 01) “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini This classic book on persuasion has influenced digital marketers from the very early days of the internet and continues to be a must-read for those striving for success in the digital marketing world. Insightful with amazing breakdowns of all the principles discussed, filled with easy-to-get examples, this book should be read with a notepad next to you to jot down all the ideas that will pop up in your head as you read it. About the Author: Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing. He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.

Digital marketing trends for 2019
Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, SEO

Top 4 Digital marketing trends for 2019

Today I want to quickly summarize what I think will be the biggest digital marketing trends for 2019. Already, 2018 saw massive changes occurring in this field, so before we go further let’s look at the most significant changes we saw in 2018. Trends from the previous year: 1) The importance of influencers (which is still massive), is reducing compared to direct promotions by brands. Marketers are realizing that buying the influence of influencers proves more expensive than direct campaigns in many cases. 2) Live videos are IN. No matter what the social media, all channels are incentivizing content creators to go LIVE and interact with the audience. The result- better views, more influence and more engagement. 3) Chatbots are hot. Companies want to keep the conversational tone casual, so instead of boring forms, increasingly brands are using chatbots to interact with their audiences. 4) Localization is increasing. More marketers are now spending on localized content in the languages spoken in the relevant geographies they’re targeting. So what are the upcoming digital marketing trends for 2019? Well for a start, I’m almost certain that all four of the above will continue to trend further. Additionally, we are likely to find that: 1) Voice marketing will increase. Every year the number of people searching Google with voice are increasing. With more and more devices aiding such search (Alexa, Google Home etc.), marketers will innovate to make the most of these increasing search volumes. 2) Social media will increasingly penalize excessive use of hashtags, as all channels focus on delivering only relevant content to their users. 3) After the data leak scandals of 2018, another digital marketing trend for 2019 will be that the big digital companies (think Google, Amazon, Fb, MSFT) will be increasingly cautious of how data is used. Legal rules are also changing in many countries around these ideas. This means that gaining and sharing customer’s personal information will get restricted, at least in theory. 4) Visual search will increase. Pinterest and Google Lens are visual search engines. Although still in the infancy, marketers can get an edge over competition by jumping on this trend before it is noticed by others. 5) Stories. Since they disappear after some time, users are likely to engage with them. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and now YouTube all have their versions of stories. The newer story-formats are a field that will see a lot of innovative marketers trying different concepts and this should be on the radar of any serious digital marketer. Concluding thoughts AI, IoT and incremental improvements in digital media platforms will all contribute to making 2019 a great opportunity for serious marketers to jump the curve and stay ahead of the game. However, amidst all these digital marketing trends for 2019, the biggest change still remains the massive new user-base that the internet is generating in developing countries. Keeping an eye on how they interact with the web (instead of giving all one’s energy to studying the trends in relatively smaller number of advanced web users) will remain the most fruitful activity for most marketers to do. What do you think are the digital marketing trends for 2019? Do share with me, I look forward to hearing from you. At, our expert digital marketers are well-versed with data-driven and result-oriented approaches to business and digital marketing. We can help you come up with customized, result-oriented marketing campaigns to get amazing ROI. Contact us now to know more about how we can help you. We promise results!   About the Author: Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing. He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.    

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