Google Ads

Google Ads

How to optimize Google Ads for better conversions

Google Ads are still one of the best platforms that you can use to grow your business. It’s the place where users intending to find your products, discover them at the right time by search-based advertising. Nonetheless, because of the complexity of the platform, a lot of people find it difficult to optimize Google Ads to make their campaign profitable. In this blog, we will share the four keys to running successful Google ads for conversions. What are these “conversions”? It depends on your business- but for most cases, it’s going to be leads or sales. Also read How To Set Up Your First Google Ad For e-commerce, for example, it’s typically online sales. And for many B2B businesses, it typically leads. 4 keys to optimize Google Ads for better conversions: 1. Keyword Selection Spend a lot of time on keyword selection and negative keywords:It’s important that you spend a lot of time thinking of the different ways people might search for your product. For example, if you’re selling comfortable chairs, people who are relevant for you may include people searching for a “comfortable chair” or “desk chair”. But also, higher in the funnel would be searches like “my back hurts when I sit for very long”. The second kind of search is usually not intended to buy a chair, but it’s still relevant for a chair business and could be directed to an article on the website about how your chairs can help reduce or remove backaches. It’s also important that you focus on long-tail keywords. For example, someone searching “chair” might be relevant if you’re an e-commerce site selling chairs, but a long-tail keyword like “buy office chairs online” is far more relevant. It’s also typically cheaper (per click) than the shorter, more generic keywords. Also, for each positive keyword, try to have at least two negative keywords. These include obvious negative keywords like “Free”, “vacancy”, “Job”, “download” etc but also more specific ones that could be similar to what your business sells, but not exactly so. For example, if you sell desk chairs but not gaming chairs, you could add “gaming” or “gamer” and such keywords in the negative list. Such negative keywords will be a huge step in your effort to optimize Google Ads. 2. Create in-depth remarketing audience The CTR for remarketing or retargeting campaigns can be as high as 10 times of regular campaigns. Adding detailed targeting to remarketing efforts makes it all better in terms of spend and conversions. We recommend you set up campaigns for people who have already been to your site more than one time. This is a “warm” audience that already knows about your brand and is much more likely to buy from you. 3. Add Exclusions Add exclusions in terms of people’s incomes, geographies, etc. Google ads allows a lot of selection in the type of people whom you want to target for your ads. This includes income levels and of course areas. Make sure you exclude people who’re less likely to be interested in your products or services, or less likely to afford it. 4. Test Different types of Copy to optimize Google Ads Last but not the least, don’t forget to test different copy. It’s important to write multiple versions of your ads- and make use of relatively new aspects of Google Ads like responsive search ads, to give the perfect headline and description that generates the highest CTR (clickthrough rate). Don’t just set up a single ad or two, try to test multiple versions and find out which headline and description get the best CTR, and then scale that one.

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, SEO

Good Copywriting for Facebook Ads, Google Ads and Email Marketing [The 3 skills]

Copywriting is one of the most underrated skills in digital marketing, and in business in general. Copywriting is writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. In digital world, good copywriting can be used in your Google ads, social media, blog posts, email marketing etc. Many businesses can rise or fail solely on how good a copy they write. Some of the biggest brands we know of- Coca Cola, Pepsodent, Mercedes and Rolls-Royce, have a lot to thank good copywriting for. And genius marketers like Ogilvy insist that good copywriting is the foundation of good marketing. So what, then, is good copy? Are there some principles we can follow to write good copy- each and every time? In his much acclaimed classic, “Tested Advertising Methods”, copywriting genius John Caples gives some simple rules. These rules can help you improve your copywriting for your Facebook ads, Google ads, emails, newspaper ads, and so on. There are three basic rules for Good Copywriting: 1) Focus on the benefit to the user: This seems obvious, but if you look around, so many companies forget this simple rule. It’s important to remember that people DO NOT care about your brand. They care about themselves. How does your brand or product help them? Be direct about this. Headlines that insist how great your brand is without pointing out the benefits it’ll give users are ineffective. For example, “Trusted since 1929” is a useless headline for an ad, even if your company is about to turn 100 years old. Who cares? Headlines like “Amazing offer for you” are useless. You may ask- “aren’t these talking about the user’s benefit?“ On the surface, it appears like that. But there are thousands of offers floating all around a modern user. Who cares if you have one more? It’s too vague. “Best T-shirt offers for you“- now that’s a little bit better. It lacks personality, but at least it’s more direct about the benefit- you will get T-shirts at offer prices. 2) Make it NEWS People hate salesmen and advertisements. They, however, love to know the latest news. Use this to your advantage. Make your sales copy about a news. How can you achieve this? It’s simple. Start your ad with words like “Introducing…”, “Announcing…” or “All-new…” Words like this make your ad copy sound more like a news or announcement, and less like desperate sales. They catch more eye-balls and make more people read the rest of your ad. 3) Use curiosity IF (and only if) you’ve done the first point right (made the self-benefit to the user crystal clear), can you move to the next point of good advertising. WHich of these do you think is a better headline for an ad or email: Improve your sales performance How I went from total failure to massive success in selling in one year Both the headlines get the first point (self-benefit) right- they’re both going to teach the user how to improve their selling skills. But the second headline gets an added advangate, it makes you curious to learn the story. As a caveat, note that using just curiosity without self-benefit is a recipe for disaster. For example, a headline like “how I went from failure to success” in itself is terrible. Even if it makes a small percentage of people curious enough to read the rest of your ad or email, they might not be the ones who’re actually struggling with sales. Those who want solutions for their sales problems are the ones who should read the ad. How do you filter them without even mentioning “sales” or “selling” in the headline (or subject line.) Therefore, above all else, remember to keep the self-benefit direct. Things to avoid while writing good copy: Do not forget rule 1: focus on self-benefit to the user. This is 90% of the game, and still often ignored. Do not try to write like Shakespeare. Good copy should be easy to read. Fancy poetry can be wonderful to read as a pastime. IT IS not wonderful to sell products. Do not write your copy in a hurry. Spend time on making it perfect. Get feedback from others. Especially spend time thinking of the headline or subject line. Do not make it a chore. Enjoy the process. The more fun you have writing copy, the better your copywriting will turn out. The advantage of the digital medium for marketing is that feedback is instant. You can figure out how even a minor change in your copy improved your clickthrough rate or conversions on facebook ads, for instance; and this makes the process more exciting as you really start learning more about human behaviour. Do not forget to use good images to support your copy. It’s a myth that people see the image before the headline when they see ads. Most people read the headline first. However, a good image which makes your product or product benefit obvious will assist your copywriting. Ideal is to have images of person(s) using your product and enjoying it. That’s why all cola drinks have images of celebrities happily drinking from their bottle in their ad campaigns. Do not ignore audience-targeting. Even more important than copywriting is reaching the right audience. If you show a beautiful ad for a Rolls Royce to a family with a very low annual income, and I show a terrible ad of Rolls Royce to families with huge net worths, guess which of us will do better? It’s nice to improve ad performance with copywriting, but audience selection still remains the main skill for a digital marketer.

B2B digital marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Ads

How is the coronavirus pandemic going to impact digital marketing?

In this article I, Neeraj, am going to go through what I think business owners should be doing in response to the coronavirus. We’re getting emails from people asking us what they should do with their marketing amid these unprecedented times. There is a lot of panic, and we’re given everyone the same advice… The news makes people question whether or not they should pause their marketing or reduce their budget or things like this. The funny thing is, there’s a statistic in the classic business book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins that says almost all the successful businesses and Fortune 500 companies were started in recessions… And the reason I bring that up is when there’s so much panic all around, your competitors are panicking too. Warren Buffett is famous for saying that when there’s fear in the air that is when he pounces and buys more stock. When others are optimistic, he stops buying, but when others get fearful, he buys stocks at amazing prices. And we all know how successful that man is in his field. If the marketplace is in fear, and you can be the one brand that’s confident in your industry… that is where great brands are built! So let’s think of the realities about coronavirus More searches come when people are spending more time at home More people spend time on social media as they work from home I’m talking about Google searches for which what matters is SEO or Google Ads… and probably spending more time on Facebook and Instagram too because they’re less likely to be in their office. So this could actually be a time where people are spending more time on the internet and therefore many of you’d want to double down while your competitors are in fear. The way online advertising works is through an auction – a bidding system – and most people have stopped ads during these times. It’s a great time to get more clicks on less spending. For our own clients– we looked at the number of clicks we got, the number of impressions we got and actually on our own advertising account we got more impressions this week than we did in the past weeks. The point is this: though if your competitors are backing out and you’re still going after the impressions in your market even if you’re not getting as high of a conversion rate (because people may not start business any time soon), do you think that’s going to be a win once all of this fades away? And when  it does, these people will already know your brand… Certainly for B2B businesses and services this is something to consider. Coronavirus impact on Digital Marketing So what I would say is this, the Coronavirus pandemic will have the following impact on Digital Marketing: it’s probably going to increase online activity it’s probably going to raise concerns for your competitors and hence lower the cost-per-click for any online ads it’s going to be an opportunity for you to double down on your internet marketing strategyhowever, it’s also going to reduce your conversion rate (people who actually buy the product or hire your services) as a percentage of total clicks or leads A note here: there are obviously businesses for which advertising at this point wont make sense. If you’re a restaurant owner in Italy or run a movie hall or have other such physical outlets where you need a lot of people to come in, this might be too early for you to jump back in to your digital marketing game. For others though, this is a golden time to generate leads and start warming them, or even converting them, while the rest of the businesses stop all their advertisement. So what are your thoughts for your business?

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, SEO

How Digital Marketing will change in 2020

Before we get into what’s about to change in Digital Marketing in 2020, it’s important to assert that the most important things do not change. Good copywriting will always be central to good digital marketing. Understanding your customer deeply is the first step for any effective campaign.‌ Improving key metrics’ like cost per lead, conversion rate, and retention will still remain critical. Google and Facebook will still remain the biggest advertising channels for digital marketers. And good ole’ SEO and email marketing will still thrive. So what’s new for Digital Marketing in 2020?‌ 1)‌ AI‌ will become more relevant The use of services like Alexa, Siri and Google Asssistant continue to rise.‌ With more advancements in these technologies, it will become important for digital marketers to understand the nuances of reaching the customer through these AI robots instead of directly. One obvious impact of this on Digital Marketing in 2020 is that search results get more personalized. If I am into online education, and keep making searches in that regard, searching “Salman Khan” might lead me to Khan Academy. On the other hand, if I’m a Bollywood movie buff, I‌ might find more results for the Bollywood mega-star Salman Khan. While Google and other companies have made good advances in this regard, it is likely that in the next year they’ll take it to the next level. 2)‌ A trend against social media Until recently, there was nothing bad perceived by mainstream society in social media. It was a way to connect with friends, to find expression for one’s thoughts, experiences and opinions, and a way to collaborate to solve problems or share meaningful conversations. However, in the last few years, a growing percentage of the population seems to recognize the ill-effects of social media. Smartphones, particularly with the social apps on them, have become an addiction for many of us. With the constant stream of notifications, comments, likes, hearts and retweets, many people feel tired. Worst of all, they feel they’re missing out on the real reason they signed up for these services- authentic social interaction. With this trend, many new books (such as Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport)‌ have started advising people on how to have a better, more sane relationship with their smartphone and social media apps. If this trend continues to gain momentum, we may see a dip in the number of hours of social media usage, even among millennials. 3)‌ Video is big To be fair, this isn’t really new for 2020. But there’s no doubt that anyone who’s not already jumped on the video bandwagon that started somewhere around 2012, is missing on huge opportunities to engage with their customers and prospects. Video is replacing how we tell stories on our websites, on social media ads, on landing pages and even on messaging apps like WhatsApp. A‌ good video team, agency, or freelancer may become necessary for almost every company in the near future. 4)‌‌ Voice based search Voice based search takes over a bigger and bigger pie of total searches happening online. It is important to notice the subtle differences this introduces. For example, a conversational tone now has even more advantages to a cold, corporate tone on your website. Answering questions that users might be frequently voicing on their mobile phones, instead of just selling the products, becomes an even better source of traffic. And longer phrases (long-tailed keywords) are preferred even more to short one or two word search terms. 5)‌ Algorithms make targeting easier Social Media companies such as Facebook offer what’s called a “lookalike audience”. This is one of the easier ways to get your targeting right. Let’s say you have 250 customers who bought a particular product on your website. If you upload the list of email IDs or phone numbers of these 250, Facebook’s algorithms can target hundreds of thousands of people who are quite similar in profile and behaviour to your list. This kind of targeting allows digital marketers to focus primarily on design and copy, while letting smarter algorithms determine the appropriate audience. As machine learning and AI make advances, these algorithms continue to get smarter. This means that, for a digitally aware marketer, cost of advertising to irrelevant audiences keeps reducing. Read our Digital Marketing in the Financial Industry.

5 tips to boost your google ads
Google Ads, Uncategorized

5 tips to boost your Google Ads

Google receives almost 6 billion searches every day and many of the search page results include Google Ads (previously called Adwords). Google Ads can play a very significant role when it comes to drive relevant and quality traffic to your website. Google Ads are displayed on the top of SERP followed by organic search results. They appear like this: Results in red box are Google Ads and results in green box which are displayed below the red box are organic results. How do Google Ads appear? Google Ads work with the very simple formula. Google Ad auction is focused around keywords. Advertisers focus on the list of keywords which are most likely to be used by people for a product or service of their industry. Then they bid on these keywords, basing on how much they are willing to pay for a Google user to click on their Ad. Google’s algorithm is such that it combines the bid and quality score of the ad and determines which ad must be displayed on the SERP. When the users click on their ad, advertisers pay a fee to Google. This is how Google Ads appear on SERP. If you already have a Google Ad and want to optimize it to the best then this blog is perfect for you. Tips that will work for Google Ads. 1) Make your landing page appealing Viewers who clicked your Google Ad will land to your landing page. Google Ad completed its duty by bringing traffic to your page and now it is the duty of landing page to be appealing enough to convert viewers into customers. You should optimize your landing page for PPC conversions by making the message of your ads align with your landing page message. KEYWORDS ➡ GOOGLE ADS ➡ LANDING PAGE Repeat the message of Google Ad on your landing page which will craft more compelling content and increase the conversion rates. Be very clear about your offer and highlight the CTA button where you think that a particular place on your page has high probability of getting clicked. 2) Fill all the Ad content ETA (Expanded Text Ad) were introduced to the world of AdWords in 2016 which made a substantial impact. It is desirable to fill all the details of Google ad which will make your Ad more compelling. It’s like you get more character space to write for your Ad. This field gives you the additional space to write. Take full advantage of this field as it allows you to describe more about your brand, offer and idea. Final URL – Make this unique and highly relevant landing page. Headline 1 – Put the name of your brand or the primary value of your Ad. Headline 2 – You can set up the base of your description or secondary value for your Ad. Headline 3- Now this is the new space provided by Google, use it to attract customers. Description – This is the money maker section where the needs of customers will be solved by your solution. Put a strong CTA at the end of description to help frame the ad and engage your reader. This is how your Ad will look when you fill all the fields of your Ad content. 3) Eliminate negative Keywords Yes, there are keywords which negatively affect your ad campaign and advertisers don’t realise it. Keywords such as “free” or “jobs” will bring you visitors who want free products or services. These visitors will not add to your customer base. If main objective of your advertisement is to increase sales then never use keywords that include word “free”. By optimizing your ads for negative keywords, you can help eliminate any potential searches that would waste your ad budget without bringing you the return you want to see. Making your lists more efficient so that they remain focused directly on the prospects most likely to engage with your brands will ensure that your money goes to the best possible use. 4) Track which mode is bringing traffic Track everything you can. Get answer to following questions to improvise your Google Ad. Which campaign is bringing most traffic? Which site has highest bounce rate? Which site has longest average time on site? These questions can be easily answered by UTM codes. UTM codes helps you track everything from keywords to campaigns. They are just the codes which are attached at the end of the URL. It helps in determining source, medium and campaign name. This will enable Google Analytics to tell you from where visitors reached your site and by which campaign. This is how UTM codes will show up in your Google Analytics dashboard. UTM codes help you determine 3 main things. 1) Traffic Source This will help you know that from which source traffic is generated. Add utm_source to know traffic source parameter. Your traffic source could be facebook, Instagram, Google, Bing etc. 2) Medium It determines that what was the medium of generating traffic? It could be cpc, referral, email, display etc. Example – &utm_medium= email. 3) Campaign Name It allows you to determine the performance of a specific campaign. It helps you differentiate Facebook campaign from email campaign or any other campaign. By knowing the performance of every individual campaign, you can determine which campaign should be focused more or which one should be removed or just improvise your strategy. Example – &utm _campaign=example_campaign 5) Offline Tracking Why to keep account of only online deals? You provide your phone number in the Google Ad to contact you for any queries. This is also a medium where traffic is generated. It is important to track which campaign or keyword enabled them to call here. Google analytics keep an account for that but it does not show campaign name or keywords. Google analytics give you only start and end time of the call, call duration, area code and call type. You want to track everything like UTM codes. So you

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, SEO

SEO vs PPC – How To Decide

Search Engine Optimization and Pay-per-click (on search engines) are the ways that help you grow traffic on your website. Both the techniques are useful to fulfill your purpose but the selection depends on the type, scale and motive of the business. The end goal of both the approaches are the same but the way they work is quite different. Explore our blog SEO vs PPC to decide which technique is the best for your business. Before you move ahead for SEO vs PPC comparison and determine which one is more desirable for you, let us first understand both the techniques in brief. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) SEO is the practice of increasing quantity and quality of traffic through organic search results. It is the organic approach of attracting visitors. Google crawls your website and with the help of its algorithm, it determines the quality and content of the site and ranks the pages accordingly on Search engine page results for different search queries. PAY PER CLICK (PPC) Pay per click is the technique where advertisers pay a fee to the search engine every time their ad is clicked. It is like buying visits for your site rather than making an attempt to earn them organically. Typically, if you put any search query into Google, the first few links are likely to be paid ads. (New to PPC? Learn how to set up your first campaign here.) APPROACHES Both the approaches are completely different but a businessman or a website owner’s objectives may differ. A businessman who can afford the cost of PPC and desires to get huge traffic to his website quickly, and demands big turnover, will opt for PPC. But a small businessman who can afford the time to boost the traffic by improving quality will opt for SEO. And a businessman who understands the importance of a website’s quality and the significance of attracting visitors that will get converted to customers will opt for both the techniques. It will be a hybrid approach of SEO and PPC and this approach is often most desirable. WHEN IS IT BEST TO USE SEO? WHEN CONSISTENT RESULTS ARE REQUIRED SEO is not a practice that will happen overnight or in a week. You need to have patience and wait to get your site show up on the first page of search result. Once your site is there, you may get to enjoy consistent and free traffic. If you continue with the same tactics and SEO campaigns, you will be able to stay there and can reap fruits for a longer period. DESIRE TO BE AN AUTHENTIC SITE  It’s like building a reputation for your website on the virtual platform. When the content on your site is so relevant that it makes the other members of your niche to recommend your website. It is like the “go to” website for your niche. Your webpage will get mentions that will generate backlinks and this helps Google to determine how significant your website is in your niche. This way your website will be able to get a lot of traffic which is organic, significant and consistent. INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR SITE   In case you think of selling the website in the near future, you can earn a higher price only when the value of your website really stands out in the market. Websites are like real estates on the digital platform. To earn a good price, you need to augment the value of your website. Some of the variables that go into determining the value of your website are: Traffic generated Consistency of traffic generated Page rank Search engine rankings over the period of time Link popularity Likes and Followers on Social Media (Check out our Link Building Guide for SEO.) These factors fall under the ambit of SEO. WHEN IS IT BEST TO USE PPC? WHEN YOUR BUSINESS DEMANDS IMMEDIATE RESULTS PPC results come very fast! The results are instantaneous. Once your paid promotion campaign is started, you can get a lot of visitors visiting your page immediately. This happens because once your PPC campaign is approved, provided that your bids are high enough to get the priority placement, your advertisement is seen by plenty of people who can click on it to visit your webpages. This works really well for product launches, affiliate marketing, seasonal promotions, event marketing and many more. WHEN YOUR SITE DOES NOT QUALIFY SEO CRITERIA For SEO, website needs to be rich in content and must be regularly updated. This is the only way to say to Google that your site is relevant and it must keep your site on top of the pile. But many websites cannot afford regular updates. Also, some keyword categories are so competitive that it seems unrealistic to be among the first few links in that niche. Also, just think about squeeze pages, what is there to update on such a page at regular intervals? (Squeeze pages are pages with forms and no other links, they force your visitors to either sign-up the form and get the offer or to leave the site. They’re usually high-converting pages.) Squeeze pages usually can’t even afford to merit themselves on the second page of Google. Such pages can grab traffic through PPC campaigns. DOMINATE YOUR KEYWORD CATEGORY. When you are very sure about the keywords which are apt and also popular on search engines that will bring paying customers to your business, then dominating that keyword is a great move. PPC results are always displayed over organic search results. And 50% of the traffic goes to the top 3 sponsored links. So if your business requires instant traffic, quick conversions, or to maximize your turnover by dominating the keyword category, then you must opt for PPC. CONCLUSION One cannot choose which method is better without knowing the motive and the website’s situation. In my opinion, you must never believe that there is a trade-off between SEO and PPC. Both the techniques (SEO vs PPC)

How to set up your first google Ads
Google Ads, Uncategorized

How To Set Up Your First Google Ad

Google Ads (earlier called Adwords) is Google’s advertising system in which marketers bid on certain keywords so that their clickable ads come first on Google search page results. This blog is all about how to set your first Google ad account, Google campaign and your first Google text ad. A step by step guide for creating a Google Ad Account. STEP 1 First you need to go on and click the START NOW button. Congratulations, you are now starting the process to make your first ever Google ad! STEP 2 You can use your own Google account to sign-in, or if you want to make a different account then you can set up one. STEP 3 You will land to this page. You can skip the “goals of advertisement: because here we focus on creating a Google ad account (not the simpler “Google Ad Express” account which has limited features). So just click on Experienced with Google Ads? STEP 4 You can select any type of campaign you want. But here we are skipping that part as we will cover it later, so just click on Create an account without a campaign. Alternately, you can also create a dummy campaign and then pause it immediately after the account is created. STEP 5 Now you have to fill up all the details about your billing country, time zone and currency. Everything here is by default in the context of your country. If you want to edit any of this, you can do it here. STEP 6 Congratulations! You are done here. Just click on Explore account and you will land on the dashboard of your new Google Ad Account. STEP 7 YOUR GOOGLE AD ACCOUNT DASHBOARD HOW TO CREATE YOUR FIRST GOOGLE AD CAMAPAIGN Now that you have made your Google Ad account, your next step is to create your first Google Ad Campaign. STEP 1 You can go to campaigns at the left corner and click the blue + button STEP 2 1) Google Ads wants to help you by asking certain specifications. You can now select a goal for your campaign. You can select from the following: Sales Leads Website Traffic Product and Brand Consideration Product and Brand Awareness App Promotion Without a goal’s guidance  Here I am selecting Sales because it is a common purpose for running Google Ads. You can select any of them which suits your purpose. 2) Now you have to select the Campaign type from the following Search Display Shopping Video I want my campaign to be of Search type, where the user types in a relevant search query in Google and then my add shows up. So here I will select Search. 3) You can see the 4 options given to you for selecting a way to reach your goal. Website Visits Phone Calls Shop Visits App downloads In this example, I will select Website visits. Phone Calls is a good option if your business runs mostly on phone calls – such as if you’re a service provider. Shop visits and App downloads are, of course, relevant if you have a physical shop or if you have a mobile app for which you want more downloads. STEP 3 1) Give a name to your campaign. The name is not shown to anyone else, but it is for your own use. Keep it relevant to your business and its purpose. Here I have named my campaign as Digital Marketing Services. 2) Enter your location. You can be very specific here or leave it to the default state. It depends on your campaign type and your target audience. In Search ads, it is recommended to not narrow down your target audience too much unless you have a specific niche to target to. 3) Language You can select language apart from the default language, which is English. 4) You can add extensions for Site links, Callouts and Calls. They are not compulsory but are available and can help your ads’ performance. STEP 4 Now it’s time to create your Ad Group. A single campaign can have multiple ad groups. For example, you could have a campaign for generating sales on an ecommerce site, whereas each ad group might target different types of audiences or product categories. Here I am creating only one ad group as an example. My ad group is for “social media marketing services”. This is that product or service you want to sell. You can take the help of keyword planner tool to suggest the best ideas for the ‘keywords’ for your product or service. (Keywords are what the user will type into Google search for your ad to appear.) Google Ads also provides you many ideas relevant to your business. Select the best ideas for your ad and save and continue. There are four types of keywords which you can learn in detail about on this link. STEP 5 Now is the time to create your first ever text Ad. 1) First enter the final URL of the webpage you want your visitors to visit when they click your Ad. 2) Write Headline 1 and Headline 2 (maximum 30 characters) and an optional Headline 3, and a mini-description (maximum 90 characters) which will be displayed like this: Click on save and continue button and hey, congratulations! You created your first Ad Campaign on Google Ads. Google also came up with the new ‘responsive search ads’ which you can read about by clicking here. If you faced any doubts, feel free to reach out to us. About the Author: Tanushri Saxena is pursuing her MBA from GLS, Ahmedabad. Currently, she is interning as a content writer at WebKow. She enjoys an occasional cup of coffee.

Google Ads, Uncategorized

Google’s New Responsive Search Ads: All you need to know

Last year when Google announced the Responsive Search Ads, many considered it a game-changer. According to many reports, these ads are improving CTR (clickthrough rate) of Google ad campaigns by 5-15%. So what exactly is so great about these responsive search ads? Here are four things you need to know about them: #1 Responsive search ads use up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions With responsive search ads, you can write up to 15 different headlines and up to 4 different descriptions. Google will then automatically test different combinations of these headlines and descriptions and run the ones that perform best. Over time, the algorithm will learn to show the best message depending on the users past behaviour, the keyword they’ve searched for, their device etc. The length of the individual headline and description remains the same, but Google will pick the two or three headlines from the ones you’ve submitted. #2 You can pin your “first headline” Say you’re selling T-shirts online. You may want the first headline of your Google ad to show “Buy T-shirts online” or perhaps you use keyword insertion tool in Google ads. In such cases, you can pin the first headline within the responsive ads. If you pin more than one ad for the first headline, Google will pick any of the available options. You can also pin the second or third headline, if required. Note that pinning excessively will reduce the options you give Google to learn based on its algorithms, so don’t overuse this option! #3 Use responsive search ads with your regular ads If you’re running expanded text ads in an ad group, you may not want to pause the existing ads if they’re performing well already. But you could always test responsive search ads along with the existing ads! What’s cool is, Google automatically picks up the existing headlines in an ad group when you create a new responsive search ad, so it’s easy to pick out your favourites. #4 How to make the most of responsive search ads Here’s a quick check-list if you’re setting up responsive search ads for the first time: Make sure you’re using at least two regular expanded text ads in the same ad group in which you create a responsive search ad. Do not make more than one responsive search ad per campaign. Highlight something unique in each of the headlines in your responsive search ads. For example, if you are selling T-shirts online, you do not want a list of headlines like this: Buy T-Shirts Online Online T-shirt Store Online T-shirts buy Buy Online T-shirts Great T-shirts Online             …. And so on. You get the idea. Instead, a better way of doing it would be Buy T-shirts Online  (pin this one as headline one) {Keyword Insertion:  Buy T-shirts Online} (pin this one at headline one too) COD available All new designs Free Shipping Biggest Summer Deals Top Brands, Best Prices Fashion is a click away …And so on For most ads, it may be important to pin a few options for headline 1. But apart from that, pin sparingly. Write headlines related to your keywords in the ad group. For example, if “buy t-shirts Cash on Delivery” is a keyword you’re targeting, you should include “COD available” or “Cash On Delivery” as one of the headlines. About the Author:Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing.He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.

Digital marketing trends for 2019
Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, SEO

Top 4 Digital marketing trends for 2019

Today I want to quickly summarize what I think will be the biggest digital marketing trends for 2019. Already, 2018 saw massive changes occurring in this field, so before we go further let’s look at the most significant changes we saw in 2018. Trends from the previous year: 1) The importance of influencers (which is still massive), is reducing compared to direct promotions by brands. Marketers are realizing that buying the influence of influencers proves more expensive than direct campaigns in many cases. 2) Live videos are IN. No matter what the social media, all channels are incentivizing content creators to go LIVE and interact with the audience. The result- better views, more influence and more engagement. 3) Chatbots are hot. Companies want to keep the conversational tone casual, so instead of boring forms, increasingly brands are using chatbots to interact with their audiences. 4) Localization is increasing. More marketers are now spending on localized content in the languages spoken in the relevant geographies they’re targeting. So what are the upcoming digital marketing trends for 2019? Well for a start, I’m almost certain that all four of the above will continue to trend further. Additionally, we are likely to find that: 1) Voice marketing will increase. Every year the number of people searching Google with voice are increasing. With more and more devices aiding such search (Alexa, Google Home etc.), marketers will innovate to make the most of these increasing search volumes. 2) Social media will increasingly penalize excessive use of hashtags, as all channels focus on delivering only relevant content to their users. 3) After the data leak scandals of 2018, another digital marketing trend for 2019 will be that the big digital companies (think Google, Amazon, Fb, MSFT) will be increasingly cautious of how data is used. Legal rules are also changing in many countries around these ideas. This means that gaining and sharing customer’s personal information will get restricted, at least in theory. 4) Visual search will increase. Pinterest and Google Lens are visual search engines. Although still in the infancy, marketers can get an edge over competition by jumping on this trend before it is noticed by others. 5) Stories. Since they disappear after some time, users are likely to engage with them. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and now YouTube all have their versions of stories. The newer story-formats are a field that will see a lot of innovative marketers trying different concepts and this should be on the radar of any serious digital marketer. Concluding thoughts AI, IoT and incremental improvements in digital media platforms will all contribute to making 2019 a great opportunity for serious marketers to jump the curve and stay ahead of the game. However, amidst all these digital marketing trends for 2019, the biggest change still remains the massive new user-base that the internet is generating in developing countries. Keeping an eye on how they interact with the web (instead of giving all one’s energy to studying the trends in relatively smaller number of advanced web users) will remain the most fruitful activity for most marketers to do. What do you think are the digital marketing trends for 2019? Do share with me, I look forward to hearing from you. At, our expert digital marketers are well-versed with data-driven and result-oriented approaches to business and digital marketing. We can help you come up with customized, result-oriented marketing campaigns to get amazing ROI. Contact us now to know more about how we can help you. We promise results!   About the Author: Neeraj Ramnani is the founder of and He is a digital marketer since 2011, and has pioneered some of the most innovative approaches in this field over these years. He’s worked with over 40 brands for their result-oriented digital marketing. He’s an alumnus of IIM Indore and SVNIT Surat.    

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