B2B digital marketing

B2B digital marketing

B2B Lead Generation Strategies (3 Easy Techniques)

In this article, we will cover actionable B2B lead generation strategies for generating leads online for your business. These strategies will work even when you’re just getting started on a tight budget. When it comes to lead generation there are only two things you need to do: Find your ideal customer Collect their contact information So in this B2B lead generation guide, you’re going to learn actionable and free techniques to find your ideal customers. We will also cover ways to attract them into your funnel. We will start off the first few techniques with how we attract our ideal customers or ideal prospects. In the next few techniques, we will talk about how to convert them. And finally, in the last step, we will finish with what do you do with the leads once you have that contact information. 1. Content Marketing for B2B Lead Generation When it comes to free B2B lead generation techniques or strategies, content marketing continues to be the best route. Content marketing is about engaging your prospects, educating your potential customers, positioning yourself as a trusted authority, and most importantly exceeding the value of your paid offers. There are three types of content posts that you should stick to in order to ensure that every content post that you create is actually pushing forward the sales process (as opposed to just being a nice video or blog post that some random person watches or reads.). So here are the three: “How to” posts Reviews Decision guides Here I want to talk about the three different platforms you should be looking at when it comes to B2B lead generation specifically, because platforms like Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook are not really going to help you all that much to generate leads, especially in a business-to-business environment. However, if we look at podcasting, blogs, and YouTube there is a lot more opportunity and it’s a lot easier to convert leads from those platforms. So let’s first talk about the “old but gold”, and that’s blogging. a) Publish Blogs for B2B Lead Generation The good news is all the information you need on how to write a great blog and do SEO is available free on YouTube. You really don’t need to pay for any courses when you’re just getting started. When it comes to blogging itself, what’s very important is you have blog posts that are at least 1500 words. At least some of the posts you make should be 1500 words or even more- 2500 to 3000 words may work even better. Use this blog post to attract traffic from search engines, and then focus on converting them through a clear call-to-action (such as a free consultation call with you). b) Podcast The main advantage with podcasts is of course you don’t have to show your face like on video, and it’s a great way to attract your ideal customers on the go. Podcasts can actually build relationships- and it’s easy to have a call-to-action via links in the description or mentioning email addresses on the podcast. c) Video The final one is a video on YouTube. You can create a how-to post, a review post, or a decision guide that’s very specific to your niche or industry. In many cases, you will find that there’s not a lot of competition for being successful on YouTube for niche industries. The key is to view YouTube as a search engine as opposed to a social media platform because you are not competing with the channels that have millions and millions of subscribers, you are creating educational-style content mainly for the ‘search box’ of YouTube. Now once you’ve got your content strategy in place, how do you get people who’ve seen your blog posts, watched a video, or listened to a podcast to provide their contact information so you can continue your sales process? This is where something called a lead magnet comes in – providing something of value in exchange for that contact information. 2. Lead Magnet A lead magnet is a free item or service that is given away for the purpose of collecting users’ contact details. For example, lead magnets can be free subscriptions, downloadable e-books, free video courses, e-newsletters, and free consultations.  What contact details should you be asking? If your sales process involves you calling people back then go ahead and ask for their name and phone number, if you can follow up with them via email and then later on in the process you can ask for their phone number then go ahead and just ask for their email. A general rule of thumb the more information you ask for the less leads you will get. Here are some specific ideas of how you can design a lead magnet: a) Provide some Niche Training This is quite hard to put together but also very rewarding for lead generation. The training needs to be something that is genuinely different and truly based upon your own personal experience- something that they’re not going to find just browsing YouTube or trying to learn something. Ideally, in this training we want the user to have them have some sort of mini epiphany, an “aha” moment. This cements you as someone who can be genuinely helpful and valuable. b) Template A template is an easy-to-follow fill-in-the-blank type process that you’re providing to your potential customer. An example is a template to track your habits or to write your first sales email etc. The goal is to make some processes very simple for the user. Of course, the process should be related and relevant to the niche you are in. c) E-Book Now, don’t worry, this isn’t as difficult as it may sound. You can easily design a simple 20-50 page short e-book on Canva or even PowerPoint, and cover some information about your niche. A cover, an index, an introductory page, and a final page with contact information- that’s already 4 pages. Add some images and some

B2B digital marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Ads

How is the coronavirus pandemic going to impact digital marketing?

In this article I, Neeraj, am going to go through what I think business owners should be doing in response to the coronavirus. We’re getting emails from people asking us what they should do with their marketing amid these unprecedented times. There is a lot of panic, and we’re given everyone the same advice… The news makes people question whether or not they should pause their marketing or reduce their budget or things like this. The funny thing is, there’s a statistic in the classic business book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins that says almost all the successful businesses and Fortune 500 companies were started in recessions… And the reason I bring that up is when there’s so much panic all around, your competitors are panicking too. Warren Buffett is famous for saying that when there’s fear in the air that is when he pounces and buys more stock. When others are optimistic, he stops buying, but when others get fearful, he buys stocks at amazing prices. And we all know how successful that man is in his field. If the marketplace is in fear, and you can be the one brand that’s confident in your industry… that is where great brands are built! So let’s think of the realities about coronavirus More searches come when people are spending more time at home More people spend time on social media as they work from home I’m talking about Google searches for which what matters is SEO or Google Ads… and probably spending more time on Facebook and Instagram too because they’re less likely to be in their office. So this could actually be a time where people are spending more time on the internet and therefore many of you’d want to double down while your competitors are in fear. The way online advertising works is through an auction – a bidding system – and most people have stopped ads during these times. It’s a great time to get more clicks on less spending. For our own clients– we looked at the number of clicks we got, the number of impressions we got and actually on our own advertising account we got more impressions this week than we did in the past weeks. The point is this: though if your competitors are backing out and you’re still going after the impressions in your market even if you’re not getting as high of a conversion rate (because people may not start business any time soon), do you think that’s going to be a win once all of this fades away? And when  it does, these people will already know your brand… Certainly for B2B businesses and services this is something to consider. Coronavirus impact on Digital Marketing So what I would say is this, the Coronavirus pandemic will have the following impact on Digital Marketing: it’s probably going to increase online activity it’s probably going to raise concerns for your competitors and hence lower the cost-per-click for any online ads it’s going to be an opportunity for you to double down on your internet marketing strategyhowever, it’s also going to reduce your conversion rate (people who actually buy the product or hire your services) as a percentage of total clicks or leads A note here: there are obviously businesses for which advertising at this point wont make sense. If you’re a restaurant owner in Italy or run a movie hall or have other such physical outlets where you need a lot of people to come in, this might be too early for you to jump back in to your digital marketing game. For others though, this is a golden time to generate leads and start warming them, or even converting them, while the rest of the businesses stop all their advertisement. So what are your thoughts for your business?

why video marketing for b2b
B2B digital marketing, Uncategorized

Why Video Marketing For B2B?

Video is the future of content marketing for all types of businesses, including Business-to-Business companies (B2B). Researchers and buyers have less time and patience than ever before, and they would love to save time in reading by watching a short video instead. In B2B video marketing Videos that are on point, short, relevant and cater to the needs of most of the researchers get a lot of traction. DID YOU KNOW? 48% B2B buyers watch videos longer than 30 minutes and 20% more than 60 minutes. 91% growth in B2B researchers use smartphones with a motive to purchase. 46% B2B researchers fall in the age group of 18 – 34. Many B2B brands try to engage in video marketing once they understand the importance of it…but often they fail in making suitable and effective content because of false notions prevailing in the market. There are several myths about B2B researchers that this blog will clear: Myth 1) Millennial are not making the business decisions (wait… what?)  Nearly half of the B2B researchers and decision-makers are millennial. They are young and competent to make major decisions in the company. They definitely prefer videos over text. This is not a general statement but videos make it easy to understand and fathom the objectives of the content. If the videos possess good content with high-quality graphics and good delivery of concept then researchers and buyers do watch it for their purpose. Myth 2) Focus should be only on senior executives If you focus your B2B video marketing on only C- suite then the employees who are researchers and purchase order placers will be ejected out of your gamut. Before making any video marketing content, do not believe in conventional norms, prepare a video that will appeal to everyone in your sales process. Myth 3) B2B researchers are not using mobile Why to curb your ambit by creating videos only for desktop mode? Your video should be flexible and must focus on all types of devices. Across all industries, more and more people use mobile to do their searches. They read, watch, learn, compare and determine their results. It is always desirable to make videos which are mobile-friendly too. This particularly has implications on the font size and video width that you choose. Myth 4) Videos are solely watched for gaining awareness 70% of B2B buyers are watching videos throughout their path. Why will a buyer watch a video of a product if he or she does not intend to buy it? Even if your web-visitors are watching these videos for awareness purposes, video can lure them by revealing interesting features, exciting offers and much more. This will ultimately influence them to buy your product. If you create videos that are not for the selling of products but relevant to it, it will still have an impact on your subsequent videos which may be solely sales-oriented. TRENDS OF VIDEO MARKETING FOR B2B 1) People love to laugh B2B companies like to give a touch of humour in their marketing videos. Video makers understand that any content should communicate in the simplest way possible. Adding creative attributes that make viewers laugh will influence them and position the brand in an ideal way in their mind. While making a business content video, do not think of the following: “What about my stakeholders?” “What if my target audience is elderly?” These are legitimate concerns. But people of all ages and backgrounds can appreciate a chance to smile. They will consider your efforts and creative ways of showcasing your product. There is no need to make an entire standup-comedy video, but consider the small moments where you can make a playful joke about yourself or a common problem that your customers have. 2) Let your viewers have an experience There are certain products and services which require experience before a purchase decision is made. Services are intangible, they are experienced. A video can be used to give your viewers a glimpse of that experience. Videos can also be used to showcase your engineering excellence or domain expertise. For example, if you are into manufacturing big machines as an input for the production processes of other companies, then you can do the following. Take your viewers to a virtual tour of your manufacturing process. Slip into one day routine of an assembly line worker and show how your finished products are manufactured. Make a video on raw materials, materials used in the entire production process and provide knowledge about those materials to show customers that they are purchasing equipment of the best quality. Example: Toyota is one of the biggest car engine manufacturers in the world. It supplies its car engines to various brands such as Lotus Cars, Spyker Cars, Pontiac and many more. Toyota has many videos on its car engine manufacturing process. Such videos enable their customers to experience the process and ensure that the engines purchased are produced through a premium process which ultimately fosters trust and confidence. 3) Use video to showcase what good you’re doing for society CSR not only helps our society but builds your reputation and goodwill in the eyes of customers. TATA and Mahindra are respected for their CSR activities. Make videos that advertises your CSR activity, make it loud on a large platform (only if your capital permits). But do not advertise your social activities using paid campaigns. Example: CEAT tyres under the CEAT Safety banner arranged stretchers, barricades and a changing room in Kumbh Mela 2019. These amenities were strategically provided at the most crowded places with an intention to serve the devotees, and a video on Youtube was issued to publicize their social service at Kumbh Mela. 4) Keep your videos short and sweet Unless the content demands it, do not stretch your videos for too long. Business researchers will only watch your video if it is on point and not unnecessarily lengthy. Of course, business researchers do watch long videos if the content demands it. Keeping

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